Kingdom Finance Responds to COVID-19 Challenges
Below is a fresh e-mail from the Nehemiah Center. We are blessed to have been a part of this organization for four years! Here is the actual email URL: kingdom-finance-responds-to-covid-19-challenges In Nicaragua a large number of people, including pastors and leaders, do not know how to manage their resources. Instead, they spend more than they have and even resort to loans which generate debt. When the Nehemiah Center saw the great need to learn how to manage finances, they began a program called Kingdom Finance. The Kingdom Finance program uses curriculum from the Good Sense Movement that promotes financial freedom based on biblical principles. In this issue of the Nehemiah Center newsletter, we look at the impact the Kingdom Finance program is having on pastors and local church leaders. We also want to give thanks for the work of Jesse Rodriguez, who has shown love and passion for the Lord's work through teaching others financial principles of God's kingdom...