A Universal Small Business Problem - pt. 1

There has been great progress in the Finanzas para el Reino (Finances for the Kingdom) program at the Nehemiah Center. As like any new product launch in business, we are facing a demand, but limited capital to meet our needs, however we remain faithful in our work. Despite limited funding for the program, God is sending people to us who desire to be a part of Finazas para el Reino! There is a demand here in Managua, and first cohort from September 2017 are referring their friends to the Nehemiah Center!

In September of 2017 we launched our first class of Finanzas para el Reino. Our Vision Conference was a great success and we had enough interest to begin with our first group of 25 participants. Our class consisted of what was exactly target in our Survey Results from earlier in the year, young professional adults under the age of 33 years old. A few were single but many of them married for less than three years and beginning to start families. Included in this group were two pastoral couples and various ministry leaders. We also had a few employees of the Nehemiah Center participating in the course. This group of young adults are full of energy and hearts open to learn what Biblical administration of finances is about!

Finanzas para Reino September 2017
The Finanzas para el Reino program uses curriculum from the Good Sense Movement. Over three weeks Freddy Mendez facilitated the material and inspired our group! They all finished on time and ready to take control of their financial lives and share their wisdom with their families, churches and communities!

This group is participating in a mentoring process that Jari and I offer to continue strengthening and building endurance for their financial walk. We reunite bimonthly to discuss challenges and share praises and successes. Our last meeting was held March 14, 2018. They shared the calm and peace they now have over their financial walk with God, they have a functioning budget in place and are starting to see how God works generously in their lives, and that He is the owner of all things.

Mentoring Session - January 2018


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