Environmental bottom line: Tree planting
It has finally started to rain! The rains have been good so far, and everyone is excited for their return! The El Niño effect will be leaving quickly and the meteorologists say we will be going right into La Niña. Normally, there is a two to three year normal period, but not for this cycle. This means more rain for this season, but also more possibilities for hurricanes! The farmers are excited and feel the rains are going to come nice and strong this season.
As a result we have had some good seed sales to start of the season. At first Darwin was worried about being stuck with unsold seed, so we brought a small supply up from Jinotepe. To our delight, we sold the seed in a week and had to make another trip down south to bring more up! A inconvenience, but a good one! The confidence in planting quality seed is spreading in our area. With that confidence comes more opportunities to build the faith of farmers in our Lord Jesus!
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Jari and I happy to deliver free trees! |
We learned about a government agency's tree growing program. They give trees to anyone who wants to plant them, for free! The agency also gives follow-up on the trees to make sure they are doing well and recommend changes to help them grow. Deforestation of our region is really causing a lot of heat, fires and water scarcity. I understand people need to cut wood to build there small houses or stables. I also understand using trees for firewood too, because propane gas tanks can be expensive and hard to refill for rural families . However, no one replants the trees they consume! Unless it is a fruit tree, many people are not interested in planting trees for future generations.
Planting trees is something we love to do in our ministry. We have always been advocates of tree planting and we talk about it in our personal conversations with farmers, pastors and always include reforesting efforts in our workshops. Reforesting our region falls under our ministries environmental bottom line. This is derived form Genesis 1:28:
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
The dominion and subduing we are to do over creation has been given to us as a task to be managers of what God has created, all that is on the earth belongs to Him. Since God is a benevolent ruler over creation, we too must manage the land in a benevolent manner! Many of us have forgotten this command, we call it the Great Commitment. Our whole agriculture program is based on this concept, helping farmers care for their land in a better and kinder way. Reforesting is a part of replacing the trees we have been using, and neglecting, for so many years.
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Delivery to producers in our Ag program |
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Farmer J.CH, planting 1 of 50 cedro trees on his land |
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