Translating is done!
We finally did it! The Discipling Marketplace Leaders training and workshop materials have been translated from English into Spanish! Yes! Thank you to all our prayer partners who helped us stay motivated and determined to see the work get done! Thanks to our friends in Michigan who helped us with the translation work! A special thank you to my wonderful and hard working wife Jari! She has spent many hours working on power points and revising the translations that we have received from our team.
Since we are not translators this task took almost six months, but we were able to get the foundational materials done. This sets us up to start planning dates for our awareness conferences. We will start with the churches and pastors we have build relationships with in our finance ministry using Buen Sentido. A good personal financial foundation allows a person to build a God honoring business.
In a few weeks we will set up a small review workshop with friends here in Jinotega to get group input on the translated materials. A final edit before we make the announcement! We know the churches we have worked with for last four years are ready to start integrating this ministry into their congregations. During our financial stewardship courses I often had to do a brief sections on accounting for your personal business and separating that income and expenses from your families finances. Almost all pastors in Nicaragua are bi-vocational, pastoring a church and running a business or working a job. When we went to El Salvador it was the same, we took time separating family expenses from a pastor's goat farm! I asked him if we can have a goat roast in our next visit! He agreed as long as I grill it!
There will always be updates and more information to translate and share in our ministry, but we have the materials set and ready to be updated. This ministry does a lot of teaching and best of all mentoring. It's about changing the paradigm of Christians in how we see our work and worship. We are reading a book with the worldwide DML team, called Work as Worship by Matthew Kaemingk and Cory B. Wilson. On page 66 you read,
"Holy workers do not run from the 'worldliness' of the marketplace; they see holiness as a way to labor within the marketplace."
Join us in laboring within the marketplace!
Now I share with you our Discipling Marketplace Leaders logo in Spanish! Thanks Stephanie.
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