Back in the Great Lakes State!

It has been over a year since we've been back to Michigan. We've had 18 months to focus on our ministry without the interruptions of visa renewals. Growing our ministry as financial coaches and mentors! I have tallied up all of our sign in sheets, courses and interactions with our program seminars.

We are very satisfied with these numbers. We are thankful to God for these results and to all of your prayers since we started this work! These numbers have been achieved with a very small budget at the Nehemiah Center, a budget almost non-existent. We have been working by faith and the providence of the Holy Spirit, who has given us the people and placed a motivation to commit to changing their communities for Christ!

We have also been working and living here in Nicaragua with a personal budget that has been underfunded. Since arriving in October 2016 we raised about 40% of our budget required to keep our ministry going. If we have had these types of results with underfunded budgets, how awesome would it be to see a budget that has reached 100% funded!

In the Good Sense course we learn about God's call for us to become, El Dador Generoso, the Generous Giver. Giving is a way that we surrender control of the thing all of us are susceptible to idolizing, money! Giving breaks the dominion money can have over our lives by surrendering all things to the feet of Jesus Christ.

Jari and I were able to complete a 7 week Bible study of Ephesians with another young man back in 2017. Please take some time to read Ephesians 1:18 - 23

This passage has become a cornerstone in our ministry: "And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." 

God the Father has placed all things in subjection under the feet of Jesus Christ. All things! Your business, your finances, your children, your life! When we realize this and renew our minds, we give. 

Yes, we need your support. God has placed us in a position where we need the financial support of other Christians who believe in what God is doing here through our ministry. Our business, our work is Satisfied Wages, and we need your financial support! support Jesse and Jari

Starting a Welding & Machining Shop

Since I arrived in Nicaragua God filled my heart with a desire to start a shop. I was raised in Michigan so you can say manufacturing is part of my culture. I spent my twenties working in various tool & die shops and in manufacturing settings. Since moving here I have observed very little manufacturing being done in Nicaragua, outside of textiles.

Small local shops do exist, low scale metal work made to order. Nothing has been made for exporting to other countries. Manufacturing can provide jobs and dignity to the people. Done right, with a Christ centered culture it can also bring benefits to the local church.

Economists say manufacturing could be dying for the human worker, it will be all robots and animation soon. We will become fat blobs, everything run by robots oblivious to the fact they have taken over. Just like a scene from the Wall-e movie, but that doesn't take place until the year 2277! So we still have plenty of time to bless the world with the work of our own hands! To use business and work for the Glory of God's Kingdom on earth!

My work with the young men at the Vocational School has shown me a lot of potential here. We have made three grills now! Two called 'El Muchachon' and the brand new 'El Muchachito.' They are a great product and our two new customers love their grills! The young men who made them are also proud and have enjoyed eating BBQ meat their customers have brought to them! So I ask for your prayer for this decision to open a shop. I have a plan, I have a model, I need machines and capital to start it. There is risk here, but if I don't try it, we will be stuck asking 'what if'. God has put this in my heart and I am ready to let the Holy Spirit lead our efforts in this project too. I pray that Satisfied Wages Machining will become a blessing to the Nicaraguan worker!  


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