Mountain baptisms!

I think this is my first blog about baptisms! There have been a good amount of baptisms happening around us since we arrived to Nicaragua, I've just never written about the event. Our first Nicaraguan baptisms happened in a church we congregated at in Managua back in 2017. Then a few more over the years. This time, these baptisms felt a little different, they were done in the mountains here in Jinotega, with a lot of men being baptized. We have a shortage of men giving their lives to Christ in Nicaragua. This is evident in the society and the Nicaraguan church. Many events we used to put on and participate in at the Nehemiah Center where attended mostly by women. Especially when it concerned family themed events. This always made me ask the question of, where our the men? How do I get expend my brotherhood? So this day of baptisms was special, as our efforts teaching work as worship to God are being rewarded! 

This group was from the Verbo house churches were are loosely affiliated with. We have been supporting pastor Oscar and his efforts to plant churches in the north of Nicaragua.

We spent the day and a Young Life campus here in Jinotega, and had a good picnic style event! Everyone brought some food to share and pass. The water can be cold here in the mountains, a cold mountain spring to rebirth the soul! 

Irvin was up first!

Mauricio in the blue shirt was baptized, then helped to baptize his friend!

Miguel is getting ready for rebirth! 

Please pray for these individuals, and the efforts of Pastor Oscar and his wife Vermir! God is good! 


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