
Showing posts from November, 2023

Mountain baptisms!

I think this is my first blog about baptisms! There have been a good amount of baptisms happening around us since we arrived to Nicaragua, I've just never written about the event. Our first Nicaraguan baptisms happened in a church we congregated at in Managua back in 2017. Then a few more over the years. This time, these baptisms felt a little different, they were done in the mountains here in Jinotega, with a lot of men being baptized. We have a shortage of men giving their lives to Christ in Nicaragua. This is evident in the society and the Nicaraguan church. Many events we used to put on and participate in at the Nehemiah Center where attended mostly by women. Especially when it concerned family themed events. This always made me ask the question of, where our the men? How do I get expend my brotherhood? So this day of baptisms was special, as our efforts teaching work as worship to God are being rewarded!  This group was from the Verbo house churches were are loosely affiliated

Latrines the forgotten frontier

I met a man from Colorado who was visiting another ministry in Jinotega. He wanted to see some crops growing so we went to visit our plot of beans. He gave me a small package of a product called Nurtishield, from a company named Soruba. He told me this product was full of bacteria that will help the plant process nitrogen and carbon from the soil. I thanked him for the product and assured him we will try it in our next planting cycle.  He traveled back to Colorado, and then sent an email introducing me to the rest of the Soruba team. We had a few video calls and they told us about a latrine toilet treatment they are developing too. They have not been able to test it to full scale in the United States because latrines, are not used anymore in the USA, except for a few campgrounds. They asked if we would be interested in helping them test and study the product here in Nicaragua. The latrine product will reduce odors, organic waste mass and also help reduce or eliminate pathogens and para