Our ministry is based on a simple but profound concept, work as worship! The Hebrew word AVODAH,( עבדה ) means service. It carries two other meanings, work and worship. In the Old Testament this word was used when the nation of Israel was called to serve God, and worship him. It is also the same word used to describe work! We can say this word, Avodah, is spiritual service. (Exodus 23:25) This concept is expressed again by the Apostle Paul in Colossians 3:23. When we “work” as unto the Lord it is an act of spiritual service and is also worship.
Whether we are giving a workshop in the Jinotega Chamber of Commerce, or in a farmer’s field of beans, the concept of Avodah is what we live out and teach. It is in this field of beans where we have the most potential to reach our region of Nicaragua with the Gospel! We are now purchasing a small farm to invite farmers to experience avodah with their own senses. We have certified red bean seed, sorghum and hybrid corn available. We can demonstrate new technologies for crop planting and management. Our farm will serve as a base for agribusiness trainings, workshops and how to worship God with your work. We have decided to name the farm, Finca Avoda, 'finca' means farm in Spanish, and, avoda is the Spanish spelling of avodah.
We have found a great location for our ministry farm, ‘Finca Avodah’, along the Jinotega to San Rafael road. Along this road is where we have made our first contacts with a few communities for planting beans. We have established a budget to purchase a property of 10 acres. This budget will allow us to purchase land, build a small barn and training center on the property. A climate controlled room will be constructed to store and preserve our certified seeds. This cold room allows seed to be stored for longer time periods in Nicaragua’s tropical climate. I am excited about the opportunities to fabricate farming machines in the shop, and maybe a few smokers too! The farm will allow the local ministry to become self-sustainable. An income-producing farm helps our agriculture programs and seed development. It will also help pay the salary of our agronomist, and add another agronomist as God gives growth!As with many farms, the property will also provide a permanent home for us. We gain security in our living situation. Renting for the last several years has come with insecurities and a few limitations. Living on the farm will allow us to take care of the property and keep it operating well. The budget we have is for starting up, and dedicated to property improvements.
Darwin viewing a new field
Our goal is to purchase a property and start
construction by May 2025! Will you prayerfully consider helping us raise the
additional funds needed for ‘Finca Avodah’?
Your support will help us reach more of the marketplace for Christ in Nicaragua, Central America. Please go to Resonate Global Missions and select donation. You can also give by check, go to our Partnering and Donations page in this blog for our mailing address. Write the check out to Resonate Global Missions. In the memo line, write our fund code #804020. if you have any specific questions please make a comment or email us.
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The Jinotepe warehouse, God willing we'll have one in Jinotega! |
Thank you for your continued support of our ministry. We hope you join us in this new oppertunity to give and serve our Lord Jesus Christ with you!
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