Pa el Norte pt. 3
After lunch we decided it was time to return to Managua. Pastor David and Tania wanted to pray for us and our return trip to Managua. After our prayer time Pastor David revealed what he saw, and it was amazing! What he saw where two objects in my hands. In my left hand was map, and in both of our hands were keys. Golden, bright keys. We were on a journey and God was going to show us the way. Wow! The Holy Spirit was speaking in that moment. We just met pastor David that day in person, and we still had not shared with anyone about our dreams or what we were feeling. We were still praying and discerning about a place in northern Nicaragua to bring Satisfied Wages. He also told us a word to pray about, Restitution . Then Tania gave us a word to pray about, Restoration . She said this was a time of restoration in our lives. She gave us a few Bible verses to read and reflect on. So we left Jinotega feeling great, but also thinking about what these words and verses meant for us. I...