Adjustments in Jehova Nissi Clinic
The coronavirus is peaking in Nicaragua and spreading rapidly across the communities. Many of our friends and co-workers at the Nehemiah center have been affected by the virus. Program participants have become ill while some are currently caring for family members who are battling this virus. Unfortunately, there has been lack of response from the government. No official reliable data of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries is available. A recent press release was made by more than 30 medical associations urging the country, the public and private sector to auto quarantine to begin a shut down of non-essential businesses as other countries have done. This may help minimize the spread of the virus and keep the hospitals and the health care system from collapsing. Businesses are taking their own measures to help with containment of the virus, some have closed their facilities and have gone online to continue their operations. Others have decreased their hours and restaurants ...