Good Sense Vision Night
We had a good visit back to Michigan. We were able to visit family and friends and of course share our message of the Christian's role in business and financial stewardship. While fundraising is a difficult task and a necessary one for our ministry, it is a good thing. We are able to share the good work God is doing in Nicaragua and boast in our Lord Jesus and His faithfulness to our work. During an evening time of prayer Jari and I were encouraged by a great Bible passage to inspire us during our time in Michigan and Illinois. 1 Corinthian 3: 5-9. What I love most about this passage is verse 9, we are God's fellow workers, God's field, God's building! God works with us and so Jari and I spent time sharing and promoting what God is doing in Nicaragua. We were doing our part, doing our job in His kingdom. Jesse's on the mic! We spent a Saturday in Chicagoland with our friends at Good Sense. They were having their Vision Night, Jari and I shared with over...