International Visitors

Resonate Global Missions has a ministry named Cohort . Where young adults from North and Central America unite for a year to explore ministries outside of the participants cultural context, to see what God is doing in different countries. We had the oppertunity to host the cohort for a few days here in Jinotega. Darwin took them to a farmers field to hear testimony from a bean producer about our work, and how it has benefited his family. They also came to visit us and have a talk in our local church about the larger mission we have as Satisfied Wages and DML. We read and discussed the BAM Wealth Creation Manifesto and Laussanne BAM Manifesto . These two documents are essential to our ministries foundational work here in Nicaragua, it is what we breathe! We know we are a unique ministry, focusing on the Churches role in business. It was good to be able to share and help these young adults understand the Church has a role in reclaiming the marketplace for Christ too!...