Induction Seminar 2024, more growth!
We have our second induction seminar for new producers! This time it is being held at a coffee roasting business. A much better suited environment as the venue also purchases coffee from producers and the owner is a coffee farmer. Jari is welcoming our guests! We had eleven new producer finish the seminar! A good number considering there were a few who came to the make up days. One farmer came in by bus over 40 km away, not an easy task to complete considering the roads. We also had the chance to share our experience with a visitor from the Nehemiah Center. Jinnet. She stayed with us to spend the week learning about our ministry and work with farmers. Jinnet sharing her experience cooking our beans Everyone in line to try a sample of beans to eat! Our seminar last four days, form 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. The subjects include who are we, what is good seed, and of course budgeting and technical assistance. We have reached three different regions of Jinotega, all with slightly differe...