
Showing posts from September, 2023

Mature Bean, Second cycle!

A cool morning to plant beans! We finished Mature Bean project #2! This cycle it did not look as good as the first and we only harvested 4 quintals (100lbs sack) of beans. A disappointment, but a lot learned during the growing cycle too. Darwin wanted to try a different method of planting the bean seed, by using stakes. This is a traditional method used in our region by many farmers who's fields are on hill sides. With oxen it can be difficult to furrow the sides of hills and mountains full of rocks and boulders. Even though a large portion of the field we planted was flat, there was a rocky incline on the west side of our field.  We hired some workers from the adjacent community to plant the seed. A total of six men, three stake the holes and three men following, filling the holes with a small portion of fertilizer, seed and covering the seed with soil. This is where experience of a planter is very necessary for straight rows and a consistent plant population. Planting lasted two ...