Caja de Ahorros
Cada moneda se acumula! In many nations across the world saving money is a problem. The United States is included in this inability to save. Millions of people do not have enough money to get them through even a months worth of expenses should they be without income or in a family emergency. During the 'Great Recession' of 2008 and the following years I coached over 1,400 individuals and families in the United States. I recall about 25 people or less, had enough savings to avoid losing their house to foreclosure during family emergencies. Nicaragua is no different than the United States in this aspect, not enough savings to cover a family emergency. However, the similarities stops there in regards to saving. Many people in the United States recognize the need to save and would like to, some have set goals to save. But for various reasons they are not able to. A saving culture doesn't exist here in Nicaragua. The majority of individuals I have worked with saving money ...